Double Socks vs Single Socks Backpacking: Which is Better?
UPDATED: June 10, 2023
UPDATED: June 10, 2023

When it comes to backpacking, one of the most important things to consider is your footwear. And a crucial part of your footwear is your socks. You want to make sure your socks are comfortable, durable, and protect your feet from blisters and other injuries. But should you wear one pair of thick socks or double up with two pairs? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of double socks vs single socks for backpacking.

Wearing two pairs of socks, also known as double socking, has been a popular method for preventing blisters and keeping feet dry on the trail. The idea is that the inner sock absorbs sweat and the outer sock wicks it away, reducing friction and preventing blisters. However, some argue that double socking can actually increase the risk of blisters by creating more bulk and reducing circulation. So, is double socking really worth it? We’ll take a closer look at the benefits and drawbacks of this technique.

On the other hand, wearing a single pair of socks may seem like a simpler and more lightweight option. But not all socks are created equal, and choosing the right pair is crucial. The material, fit, and cushioning all play a role in how comfortable and protective your socks are. So, what should you look for in a single pair of socks for backpacking? We’ll cover the key factors to consider and provide some recommendations to help you make an informed decision.

Why Socks Matter for Backpacking

When it comes to backpacking, socks are one of the most important pieces of gear you’ll need. They can make or break your hiking experience, so it’s important to choose the right pair for your needs. In this section, we’ll explore why socks matter for backpacking and what you should look for when selecting a pair.

First and foremost, socks are critical for keeping your feet comfortable and dry on the trail. They act as a barrier between your feet and your shoes, helping to prevent blisters, hot spots, and other foot injuries. When selecting a pair of socks, it’s important to consider the fit. Socks that are too tight or too loose can lead to uncomfortable rubbing and chafing, which can quickly turn into blisters.

Another important factor to consider is cushioning. Socks with extra padding can help to absorb shock and reduce fatigue, which is especially important on long hikes. However, it’s important to strike a balance between cushioning and breathability. Socks that are too thick can trap moisture and lead to sweaty, uncomfortable feet.

When it comes to materials, there are several options to choose from. Merino wool is a popular choice for hiking socks, as it is naturally moisture-wicking and helps to regulate temperature. Polyester and nylon are also common materials, as they are durable and quick-drying. Cotton, on the other hand, should be avoided as it tends to retain moisture and can lead to blisters.

When selecting a pair, look for socks that fit well, provide ample cushioning without sacrificing breathability, and are made from moisture-wicking materials like merino wool, polyester, or nylon. With the right pair of socks, you’ll be able to enjoy your hike without worrying about blisters or discomfort.

Single Socks vs Double Socks

When it comes to backpacking, choosing the right socks can make a huge difference in your comfort and blister prevention. The debate between single socks and double socks has been ongoing for years, and both options have their pros and cons. In this section, we’ll explore the differences between single socks and double socks to help you decide which is the best option for your next backpacking trip.

Single Socks

Single socks are the traditional option for most hikers and backpackers. They come in a variety of materials, including cotton, wool, polyester, nylon, spandex, silk, and more. Cotton socks are not recommended for backpacking, as they retain moisture and can lead to blisters. Wool and synthetic materials, such as Coolmax, are popular options for their breathability and wicking properties.

Single socks are lightweight and provide enough cushioning to prevent blisters. They are also easy to wash and dry quickly. However, they may not provide enough insulation for colder weather, and they can wear out quickly on longer backpacking trips.

Here are some circumstances in which single socks may be the appropriate choice:


  •  Proper Shoe Fit: If you have shoes that fit perfectly with a single pair of thick socks, adding an extra layer may make the fit too tight and uncomfortable. In such cases, wearing a single pair of thick socks ensures that your feet have enough space to move comfortably within the shoes, reducing the risk of blisters and discomfort.
  • Limited Space: When packing for a backpacking trip or any travel situation with limited space, bringing multiple pairs of socks can occupy valuable room in your backpack or luggage. Opting for a single pair of thick socks allows you to save space and reduce the weight of your gear, which can be particularly important when backpacking or traveling light.
  • Warmer Weather: In hot or humid conditions, wearing a single pair of thick socks may be more appropriate. Thick socks provide extra insulation, which can be beneficial in colder climates or during winter activities. However, in warmer weather, they may lead to excessive sweating and discomfort. Choosing a single pair of moisture-wicking, breathable socks can help keep your feet cool and prevent overheating.
  • Personal Preference: Comfort is subjective, and some individuals may simply prefer the feel and fit of a single pair of thick socks. If you have tested different sock combinations and find that a single pair of thick socks offers sufficient cushioning, moisture management, and protection for your feet, there is no need to double up.
  • Activity-Specific Needs: Depending on the specific activity you are engaging in, a single pair of thick socks may be more suitable. For example, in sports that require precise footwork or agility, such as soccer or basketball, a single pair of socks can offer better sensitivity and control over your movements.

Remember, the choice between doubling up on socks or wearing a single pair of thick socks ultimately depends on your personal preferences, the fit of your shoes, the weather conditions, and the demands of the activity. It’s essential to consider your comfort, foot health, and the specific requirements of the situation when deciding which sock configuration to use.

Double Socks

Double socks, also known as the two-sock system or two-sock layering system, involve wearing two pairs of socks together. The first layer is a thin sock liner made of synthetic materials, such as Coolmax or spandex, which helps to reduce friction and pressure points. The outer sock is usually made of wool or merino wool, which provides extra cushioning and insulation.

The advantages of wearing two pairs of socks include reduced friction and pressure points, which can help prevent blisters. The extra layer also provides extra warmth in colder weather. However, wearing two pairs of socks can add extra weight to your backpack and make your feet feel cramped. It can also lead to odors and dampness if the socks are not properly cared for.

When choosing the height of your double socks, ankle or crew height is recommended to prevent reduced friction and pressure points. Darn Tough socks are a popular option for their durability and blister prevention.

Overall, the decision between single socks and double socks comes down to personal preference and the environment you’ll be backpacking in. Single socks are a good option for shorter backpacking trips or warmer weather, while double socks are a better option for colder weather or longer backpacking trips.

Occasions where doubling up on socks might be desirable:

a. Extended Backpacking Trips: If you’re planning a multi-day backpacking adventure where you’ll be covering long distances, doubling up on socks can provide extra comfort and reduce the risk of blisters. It can also help with moisture management during extended periods of physical activity.

b. Cold Weather Hiking: When hiking in cold climates or during winter months, doubling up on socks can provide better insulation, keeping your feet warmer and preventing frostbite. This is particularly important if you’ll be exposed to freezing temperatures for an extended period.

c. High-Impact Activities: Engaging in activities that involve a high degree of impact, such as trail running or mountaineering, can put significant stress on your feet. Wearing two pairs of socks can offer better cushioning and protect your feet from potential injuries caused by repetitive impact.

d. Unfamiliar or Challenging Terrain: If you’re venturing into unfamiliar or challenging terrain, where the risk of foot injuries or discomfort is higher, doubling up on socks can provide an added layer of protection. This can be beneficial for activities like rock climbing, scrambling, or off-trail backpacking.

e. Trail Running: If you’re hiking or running on rough terrain or for long distances, wearing double socks can help prevent blisters and provide extra cushioning. It can also help reduce the impact on your feet and legs

f. Bugs: If you’re hiking in an area with bugs, wearing double socks can help prevent bites and stings. You can wear a pair of socks treated with insect repellent under a regular pair of socks to help keep bugs away.

While doubling up on socks can provide several benefits, it’s essential to consider the fit of your shoes. Wearing two pairs of socks may require you to size your footwear accordingly to avoid any discomfort or restriction.

Additionally, always choose moisture-wicking socks made of breathable materials to maintain proper foot hygiene.

Doubling up on socks can enhance cushioning, improve moisture management, regulate foot temperature, and provide extra protection during outdoor activities.

Always consider the specific conditions and demands of your backpacking trip or adventure when deciding whether to double up on socks, and always prioritize your comfort and foot health.

Choosing the Right Socks for Your Backpacking Trip

When it comes to backpacking, choosing the right socks can make or break your trip. Your feet will be your primary mode of transportation, so it’s essential to keep them comfortable and dry. Here are some things to consider when selecting the best socks for your backpacking trip.

Consider Thickness

When doubling up on socks, consider the thickness of each pair. If you opt for a thicker outer sock, choose a slightly thinner inner sock to avoid making your shoes too tight. Experiment with different combinations to find the right balance of cushioning and comfort that works for you.

Seamless Design

Look for socks with seamless construction or flat toe seams to minimize the risk of rubbing and irritation, which can lead to blisters. Seamless socks offer a smoother and more comfortable fit, especially when layering multiple pairs.


The fit of your socks is crucial to your comfort and preventing blisters. Make sure your socks fit snugly but not too tight. Avoid socks that bunch up or slide down your feet, causing friction and discomfort.


The material of your socks is also important. Merino wool is a popular choice for backpackers because it’s breathable, moisture-wicking, and naturally odor-resistant. It’s also soft and comfortable, making it an excellent choice for long hikes. Polyester and nylon are also good choices because they’re durable and dry quickly.


The amount of cushioning you need in your socks depends on your personal preference and the terrain you’ll be hiking. If you’ll be hiking on rocky terrain, you may want thicker socks with more padding. If you’re hiking on flat terrain, thinner socks may be more comfortable.


Breathability is essential to keep your feet dry and comfortable. Look for socks with mesh panels or made with Coolmax technology, which wicks moisture away from your skin and promotes airflow.


Moisture-wicking socks are a must-have for backpackers. They pull sweat away from your skin and help keep your feet dry, which can prevent blisters and other foot problems. Look for socks that are labeled as moisture-wicking or made with materials like merino wool or polyester.

Test and Experiment

It’s important to test different sock combinations and materials before embarking on a backpacking trip. Try out different pairs of socks during shorter hikes or walks to determine which combinations work best for your feet, shoes, and specific needs.

Choosing the right socks for your backpacking trip is crucial to your comfort and foot health. Consider the fit, material, cushioning, breathability, and moisture-wicking properties of your socks when making your selection. With the right socks, you can enjoy your backpacking trip without worrying about sore feet or blisters.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to choosing between double socks and single socks for backpacking, the decision ultimately comes down to personal preference and the specific needs of your feet. Both options have their own benefits and drawbacks.

If you are prone to blisters or have sensitive feet, double socks may be the way to go. The extra layer of fabric can help reduce friction and prevent blisters from forming. Additionally, double socks can provide extra cushioning and warmth, which can be especially helpful in cold or wet conditions.

However, double socks can also be bulkier and less breathable than single socks, which may not be ideal for everyone. Single socks are typically lighter and more breathable, which can help keep your feet cool and dry in hot weather. They also tend to be less expensive than double socks.

Regardless of whether you choose double socks or single socks, it is important to choose socks that fit well and are made from high-quality materials. Look for socks that offer plenty of cushioning, moisture-wicking properties, and protection against blisters.

Remember, your feet are your most important asset when backpacking, so it is worth taking the time to find the right socks for you. Experiment with different types of socks and sock combinations to find what works best for your feet and your specific needs.

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